Sarajevo International Airport celebrates 20th anniversary of post-war opening

To mark the 20th anniversary of the post-war re-opening for civil air traffic, Sarajevo International Airport will organize a formal first-run of the documentary film "REBORN" .
After the war and totally destructed airport facilities, Sarajevo airport was re-opened for civil air traffic on August 15, 1996. This significant jubilee will be marked by a first-run of a documentary film. The film in the beginning reminds us of the past time of the '60s, when Sarajevo International Airport was constructed and opened , and then places emphasise upon its reborn and ambitious development into a reputable company and reliable business partner, recognized by numerous European and world airlines
Author of the movie that will be screened on August 16, in the restaurant „Aerodrom“, is Edita Sulejmanović and producer is the Sarajevo Television.